ID #3577

Supra Corporation: Supra 2400zi

Connection: Zorro II

Supra 2400zi
Supra 2400zi

Supra 2400zi with backplate
Supra 2400zi with backplate

Rear of Supra 2400zi
Rear of Supra 2400zi

Hi Res Version, Supra 2400zi - 74K
Hi Res Version, Supra 2400zi with backplate - 44K
Hi Res Version, Rear of Supra 2400zi - 60K

Its a 2400 baud modem with a speaker on the card. Connects via a two Western connectors mounted on a backplate to the analogue line. It is possible to upgrade this card to a 9600 modem by using the Intel (Satafaction) 9600 V32 Modem chip set.

Contributions to this page by:
Jürgen Weiß, Michael Böhmer

Letzte Änderung des Artikels: 2009-01-26 09:31
Revision: 1.0

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