ID #3515

Commodore: CD 1200 Prototype

Connection: Unknown

Black version of CD 1200 prototype
Black version of CD 1200 prototype

White version of CD 1200 prototype
White version of CD 1200 prototype

Image of CD 1200 from various angles - 57K

The CD 1200 was originally planned to allow the A1200 to use CD-ROMs as well as having CD32 compatibility. This probably included the additional chunky to planar chip known as the Akiko which the CD32 used. The CD 1200 however used a slightly different locking mechanism compared to the CD32, as it uses magnetic disc locking. Unfortunately the CD 1200 was never released to the public.

Copyright Notice
Parts of this page are ? Harv Laser and Ryan Czerwinski and are used with permission for inclusion in "The Big Book of Amiga Hardware"

Contributions to this page by:
Harv Laser

Letzte Änderung des Artikels: 2009-01-25 21:40
Revision: 1.0

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