ID #3144

GVP (Great Valley Products): PC286

Connection: Other


Hi Res Version - 206K

Emulates: PC
Processor: Intel 286@16Mhz, optional Intel 80C287 FPU
RAM: 512K (can also use additional Amiga memory)
Graphics Emulation: Hercules
Sound Emulation: Unknown

This emulator is designed to be plugged into the GVP 530 Turbo or A500HD+ and is capable of using many of the Amiga's resource's for use on the PC such as the serial port, parallel port and floppy drive.

Contributions to this page by:
Granada, Iggy Drougge, John Klumpp

Letzte Änderung des Artikels: 2009-01-25 14:15
Revision: 1.0

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